For Contractors working with individual members resident in Pyne Ayre please be aware of the following restrictions in our by-laws when performing your activities to which all members are party;
Under the Pyne Ayre Homeowners Association deed restrictions, before commencing construction of any improvement on the parcel plans should be submitted for approval by the Pyne Ayre Homewoners Association to ensure they meet with the rules governing the Association.
The speed restriction in Pyne Ayre is 20 m.p.h. This limit has been imposed to prevent excessive wear and tear on our roads, particularly by large work vehicles.
With regard to members engaging a contractor in work and requiring heavy equipment to be brought into the sub-division please be aware that earth moving/heavy equipment of any size is not allowed to be operated on Pyne Ayre roadways.
Any construction on a Pyne Ayre members property is required to meet PAHA regulations on set back distances and have approval prior to work commencing.